

Chapman University;

M.A., Education


U.C. San Diego;

B.A. ,  English & Comparative Literature


San Diego Mesa ;

A.A. , Speech Arts

Full-Length Work History

Devon Squire (1977); mainstream novel

Plane Foolishness (1979); comedy novel

The Challenge of Chapel Hill (1990); romantic novel

Future Tense (1998); science fiction novel

Another L.A. Murder (2000); mainstream novel

The Grindstone (2003); literary novel

The Jersey Jupiters (2004); comedy sports novel

The System (2006); suspense novel

Sigi and Carl (2006); surrealistic stageplay 

Feminism in Shakespeare (2007); stageplay

LaSola of the Singing Bow (2008); fantasy novel

Miranda's Magic (2009); YA fantasy novel, also converted into screenplay

Zenobia (2009); epic historical drama screenplay

Uplifting Thoughts (2009); comedy/fantasy screenplay

Another Day at the Office (2010); comedy/fantasy screenplay

The Shakespeares and the Crown (2011); historical fiction novel in two parts
Part I: John; Part II: William

 To explore my services as a writer or editor of fiction or non-fiction, or as an English tutor, please check out my listing on

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