Links to Essays on various aspects of Education and Literature
Our Declining Public Schools: Whose Fault is It?
Especially in California, the quality of our K-12 public school system has declined. There are many causes, but few fixes: a discussion of both from the standpoint of a teacher.
Jerry Brown Sells Out California University Spots Once Again to Illegal Immigrant Students with AB131
ACLU Sues California Schools for "Substandard Education"
or: Blaming the Bathwater for Being Dirty..
The ACLU complains about the current poor education offered in many California public schools, without any consideration to the actual causes of the decline. Isn't it fun to be in a position where you have no responsibility whatsoever but can shout and sue to your heart's content?
Piaget’s Influence on American Education
The great psychologist, Jean Piaget, was highly influential on education in general, but especially on the American system. An exploration of why.
Our Failing Public Schools, Part II: Illegal Immigration
The six states with the worst public school systems are the six highest in illegal immigrants. Coincidence? Hardly. An exploration behind the reasons, and how this growing national problem will eventually kill the U.S. educational system.
Teacher Attrition and Retention: A Comparison of Canada, South Africa and the United States
It's getting harder and harder to keep teachers in the system, let alone recruit new teachers. A comparison of the reasons in a couple of countries.
Our Failing Public Schools, Part IV: Average Daily Attendance
Six Tips for Succeeding in College
Even successful high school students find entering college to be challenging and stressful. One in four freshmen drop out each year. This article gives six tips for how to be successful in your first year, as well as in your future academic and professional careers.
The Process of Interpreting Literature and Writing a Persuasive Essay
How to read a piece of literature, follow and analyze various literary devices, and understand the messages of the story. In addition, an explanation of how to write a persuasive literary essay, with examples.
High School Teacher Natalie Munroe Rants About Her Ill-behaved, Unmotivated Students
Parental involvement is key to the culture'"and the results'"of public schools.
How I (a Teacher) Will Spend My Summer Vacation
The five things I'm most looking forward to over the summer break (June 16 to August 28), and what I'll do instead.